When: Thursday 25/08/2022
Time: 9:30am - 4:30pm
Dancers, Pipe Bands, Solo Pipers & Athletes
A day of Highland dancing, athletics, heavy field events and solo piping competitions, the Argyllshire Gathering's Oban Games is a highlight of the summer for the people of Oban, Argyll and visitors from around the world. As hammers are thrown, cabers are tossed and runners race for the line, the skirl of the pipes fills the air and the flash of clan colours on kilts come in to view.
A great family day out
Highlights include the March of the Stewards led by competing world class pipers, cheering on the runners in the Hill Race, hearing Oban High School Pipe Band entertain the crowds, watching teams fight it out in the Tug of War, fun races for all ages and enjoying tasty local food and drink.
Cost : Adult: £12, Children (under 16): £6
Family: (2 adults, 2 children): £30
Special notes:Disabled parking only at field, park in town the field is a 10 minute walk from centre.