Argyll Convention 10th Anniversary
Programme of Events
Tuesday 1st August
9.15 - 9.45 Prayer
10.00 - 12.30 ‘Christ is Risen to Give Us Life’ - Tim Chester
1.00 - 2.00 Workshop ‘Meeting Christ Round His Table’ - Tim Chester
7.30 - 9.00 ‘Sharing the Good News in a Culture of Confusion’ - Andy Bannister
Wednesday 2nd August
9.15 - 9.45 Prayer
10.00 - 12.30 ‘Christ is Risen to End Our Fear’ - Tim Chester
1.00 - 2.00 Workshop ‘How to Share Your Faith Without Looking Like an Idiot’
- Andy Bannister
7.30 - 9.00 Given All the Options, Why Jesus? - Andy Bannister
Thursday 3rd August
9.15 - 9.45 Prayer
10.00 - 12.30 ‘Christ is Risen to Receive Our Worship’ - Tim Chester
1.00 - 2.00 Workshop ‘What Would Jesus Say to Greta Thunberg?’ - Andy Bannister
7.30 - 9.00 The Master Question Asker: Learning from Jesus’
‘Approach to Evangelism’ - Andy Bannister
Also Christian organisations and bookstall
Corran Halls, 54 Corran Esplanade, Oban, PA34 5AB