Double Acts by John Finnemore
When: Saturday 30/4/2022
Time: 7:30pm - 9:45pm
Cost: £7.50
An amateur production of three one act plays written by John Finnemore and performed by Benderloch and North Connel Drama Club.
Ever wondered what conversations take place in the sales department of a bathroom company or the nature of discussions concerning tigers in a 1930's railway carriage or the content of speeches written on the table by the toilets at the back of a wedding reception?
Benderloch and North Connel Drama Club will give you some ideas when they present an amateur production of three short comedies by John Finnemore. WYSINNWYG, Rebel Alliance and A Flock of Tigers are plays from the Radio 4 series Double Acts, written by Finnemore - who is well known for the Radio 4 shows Cabin Pressure, starring Benedict Cumberbatch, and John Finnemore’s Souvenir Programme.
This amateur production is based on the BBC Radio 4 show “John Finnemore’s Double Acts” by John Finnemore copyright Pozzitive Television Ltd. It is performed under licence by Benderloch & North Connel Drama Club, Scottish Charity Number SC006105
Tickets: Tickets available at
Event Details
Ballachulish Village Hall, Ballachulish, Lochaber PH49 4HL United Kingdom